Monday, November 29, 2010

How Automobile Engines Work (basics)

Welcome to Mik's Auto Online. So you want to know how your engine works? You've come to the right place. In the very near future I will be writing, in my words, an article on how to understand your engine .I'll do my best to make it easy to understand and post links for gearheads,soccer moms,Geeks, and anyone who has trouble understanding.
It is difficult because there are over 200+ moving parts to the internal combustion engine and you need to understand what each do and how they work together to move & stear or stop the car.

The image above points out the main parts , your car or truck will have all of the parts listed whether it's a 4,6,8, or 10 cylinder. Once any of these parts break it's usually the end of your vehicles service life. The replacement of any of these parts is in the $800 and up range for parts and labor. Nearly all back yard mechanics do not have the tools and knowledge to correctly replace these. I HIGHLY suggest any replacement of these parts be done by a reputable, A.S.E. certified Automotive Technician like myself.

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